My ongoing e-mail chat with Wedding Girl about venues for her wedding reception reminded me that spring has swooped into the Roxiticus Valley. In spite of my impatience for the warmer weather during the cold winter months, spring has taken me by surprise yet again, caught me unprepared in a fashion sense for school fundraisers, engagement parties, and all the spring and summer entertaining Rex and I like to do. My loyal Roxiticus Desperate Housewives readers are surely asking, "Bree, where's a gal to go for
affordable dresses and chic accessories?

Ladies (and cross-dressers), look no further than the
OhSoChicBoutique! Browse online in your jammies to your heart's content, then you'll be ready to step out in a little sumpin' slinky with give-me-some-lovin' pumps to match.

OhSoChic Spring Event (15% off and free shipping) is still going on, so use code "SpringFling" at check out and let them know Roxiticus Desperate Housewives sent you...

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