Sunday, November 23, 2008

Changes Are Coming?


Apparently United States President-elect Barack Obama is not the only one who believes Changes are Coming. As Thanksgiving approaches, the jury is still out on whether change will be something we can all be thankful for in the New Year 2009. A new President, a new economy, a New Deal? Now that the election is over and Sarah Palin and John McCain have become much less interesting targets for political bloggers and comedians alike, there's a new movie on its way to make you laugh. “Changes are Coming” is a satirical movie about America’s final change, the change that takes us back to the days of ancient Rome (William Shatner fiddles while Rome burns?). God sends his only son, Jesus, to the White House to make sure history does not repeat itself...will America listen? Click the trailer below to get a preview of what happens. Then follow the link and leave comments on what you think of this new movie at the You Tube site.

As my loyal Roxiticus Desperate Housewives readers know, you'd have to drag me kicking and screaming to see a comedy, particularly with a political message, but I know there are plenty of you out there in the blogosphere just wondering what to do with your time from now until the next Presidential election....or at least the next entertaining political scandal.

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Unknown said...

The YouTube video was very interesting and it kind of reminds me of the Monty Python series.

- Evan