Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hey, Rube, Get a Tube (or a Shave)!

Even though Rex and I joined forces with another investment banking firm this past February, we still get plenty of unsolicited resumes addressed to us at our old M&A firm. One recent college graduate from a college I hadn't heard of in the Chicago area even assumed the close, letting us know in his cover letter that he was grateful to be starting as an analyst with our firm! I know it's a tough job market out there, but here are a few surprising career pointers I found on the Gillette Resource Center:

  • Results from a recent survey of more than 500 human resources professionals indicate that 84% of HR professionals agree that well-groomed employees climb the corporate ladder faster than those who are... well, dirty... or at least not so well-groomed. When Rex and I were interviewing for investment banking analysts, or even summer interns, I know we passed over guys with a grubby goatee or a dangling earring.
  • When it comes to first impressions, we all judge a book by its cover, and approximately 90% of human resources professionals place more importance on being well-groomed than even a firm handshake.

Gillette (think "clean shave") has engaged career expert Mark Jeffries and GQ style correspondent Brett Fahlgren to supplement the insights from the HR survey with their own personalized expert advice for guys who are out there looking for a new job in the current economy or just looking to move ahead in the job they already have, and launched the Gillette Career Advantage, where you can take the Gillette Career Quiz or view the Hire Guide to see what human resources professionals really think. The Gillette Career Advantage is designed to help guys (hey, what about helping Roxy and all the professional girls out there??) by providing tools, information and advice to help them to trounce the competition in today's competitive job market.

Once you get that clean shave, boys, if you want to play in Roxy's World, it's all about tenacity, cold calling, writing, and analytical skills...



Brochure Printing said...

It kinda sucks that even during job interviews, HR people will have to judge us based on appearance. Because for me, it's the skills and the brains that still matter. But hey, that's the way it has to be... :D