Friday, October 22, 2010

Valerie Center Youth Cancer Patients

This just in from Hilltop Church:

Quick! Rally! Valerie Center Youth Cancer Patients

Doyle, our 11 yr. old friend from Mendham battling leukemia, had several relapses in the last 2 months. After spending several weeks in the Valerie Center at the Goryeb Children's Hospital staying with her son, Sara brought a very sad situation to our attention. A series of robberies has severely depleted their recreational supplies that help these children make it through the long days of intense treatment. Please help the Deacons quickly collect items to replenish the little things that help keep their minds off their daily fight for their lives.

UPDATE October 26th: Misinformation was disseminated about robberies at the Valerie Center. Kelly, the coordinator for some of these patient services, reported this to be unfounded, but reiterated that the pressing need for the replenishment of their DVD, toy, and game supplies still exists. They experience constant disappointment due to breakage, wear/tear, and losses. She assures us that our outpourring of giving and sharing will put smiles on many, many troubled faces. So far, Hilltop Church thanks you so much for the four (4) huge bags of requested items and donations already received which will be delivered this week.

To have a clearer idea of the types of toys/games they would like, please visit the Toys R Us website, click on "wish lists" in the row at the top above the blue boxes, and search by wish list #30056291. All of these and the following items, are perfectly wonderful whether they are new or gently used: (Ages 2 - 18)

  • DVD's (largest demand item--PG 13 or less only)
  • Toys/Games ( mostly for 2 or 3 people i.e. card games, checkers, SORRY, Candyland, Chutes & Ladders, Scrabble, XBox, Wi)
  • Puzzles( age appropriate: i.e. wooden pieces, mini puzzles, large pieces, etc.)
  • $10 gift cards are super gifts!! This allows them to go to Walmart, Game Stop or the in
    house store for something they like. (Cash donation checks made out to Deacons Fund)

Please prayerfully consider even the smallest donation or toy from your stash!! New items and gift cards will also be used to celebrate treatment milestones, birthdays and Christmas. Please donate quickly by dropping items off in the Hilltop House Library marked "Valerie Center." Hilltop Church deacons will deliver to the hospital.