Friday, April 30, 2010


Today's pet peeve: people who need to be treated like royalty.

In my investment banking work, all of my clients tend to be multi-millionaires. I enjoy working with clients who are down to earth despite the companies they have built and fortunes they have amassed. It frequently plays out that the greater the fortune/enterprise (billionnaire instead of millionnaire), the humbler the entrepreneur. And then there are those who carry themselves like the royalty they imagine they are, and come off like cheesy plastic kings. This pet peeve extends to those who are sooooo important that they can't possibly fit a meeting into their busy schedules and have their big-haired assistants cancel and make up an excuse at the last minute.

Years ago, when London was two, she used to sing, "[Client Name] is in the counting house, counting out his money..." and I'm afraid I've continued to teach my daughters to disrespect people who flaunt their wealth. But I do love these pictures of the King...


Mariuca said...

The second pic freaks me out huhuhuhu! :(

Mariuca said...

Vote vote vote! Thanks to ur BOTB message, I am also on a BOTB ...once I get a taker dat is! Good luck! :)

Jason said...

Teaching the kiddos to disrespect something helps them learn how to better respect those more deserving!

Oh, and I just gave you the usual vote. I cannot under any circumstances lose to that horrible church and state blog in my current battle.

Mariuca said...

Hola Roxy! You’ve been tagged here, have fun! :)