Saturday, May 09, 2009

Be Kind to Animals Week: May 3 to 9, 2009

Over the past few days, I've read quite a few posts by my fellow bloggers reminding us that it is Be Kind to Animals Week. My daughter Maddie wants a dog more than anything in the world, and would probably invite all the dogs from St. Huberts Animal Welfare Center in Madison, NJ, over to our house in the Roxiticus Valley so she could be kind to each and every one of them. Unfortunately, her sister London still suffers from dog allergies, so the closest we'll get right now is BringPetsHome, a fundraising Web site specifically created to help shelter animals, where you can shop online at a collection of highly popular retailers, with a portion of the purchases on the site going to animal shelters for food and medical care.


This week, at the Home Again Web Site, they supporting the American Humane Association's Be Kind to Animals Week by donating a dollar to for every pet registered to the HomeAgain program from May 3 through May 9, 2009. HomeAgain encourages pet owners to “be kind” to their animal friends through microchipping -- outfitting them with a permanent form of proper identification that cannot fall off or become impossible to read -- and in the process contribute to the care of shelter animals. HomeAgain is a comprehensive national pet recovery service that goes beyond microchipping and has helped recover more than 500,000 lost pets. For an annual subscription fee, HomeAgain members have telephone access to pet recovery specialists and 24/7 emergency medical assistance at 1-888-HomeAgain. The program also includes up to $3,000 (less a $50 deductible) in medical pet insurance for lost pets and up to $500 in reimbursable travel expenses for pets found more than 500 miles from home. So if you have a dog, cat, or special pet friend, send Maddie a picture and visit HomeAgain to give your pet the best chance of being reunited with you when lost.



Ferd said...

I have a group of guy friends that I try to be kind to. I'm sure that counts for Be Kind To Animals Week!