Thursday, October 30, 2008

Roxy's Mysterious Disappearance

Apologies to my regular visitors and EntreCard droppers for the lack of entertaining posts for about 48 hours from Tuesday afternoon through Thursday afternoon this week. Almost the moment I posted about the freak snowstorm here in the Roxiticus Valley, the storm brought us all to our knees, technologically speaking. Our family and immediate neighborhood lost power for only a few minutes, but we lost our Comcastic cable and Internet service for two days.

Our sweet nanny and her family, on the other hand, had it much worse... over in Long Valley, where the power is still out after more than 48 hours, she had trees down on her roof, and downed power lines and telephone poles on her street prevented her from escaping from her cold, dark home.

No matter how often Mother Nature shuts down the technology and services that are so much a part of our lives, I'm always surprised and ill-prepared to go back to the dark ages. Just a random Thursday reminder of the things we all have to be thankful every day.