Rex and I are working from home today in the Roxiticus Valley, and I just took a brief lunch break to surf the web and found something really cool. I can't wait until London and Maddie get home from school this afternoon so I can share this video with them... check it out! When we're at our beach house in Bay Head, New Jersey, everyone on the beach pays attention when the dolphins come out to play. It's so much fun to see them playing in the waves, just like humans like to do. Down at SeaWorld Orlando's Dolphin Cove in Florida, the dolphins have come up with a new game that involves blowing and playing with Dolphin Bubbles. Even if you can't make a special trip to Florida to see the dolphins at play, if you're impatient like we are for their summer visits to New Jersey, you can visit the web site and enjoy.
Everyone knows dolphins are really smart, but I'm still amazed at some of the things they come up with on their own, and this video really takes the cake. With Maddie's birthday party coming up this weekend, the dolphins have me thinking... I guess we'd need a pretty big tank in our back yard if Maddie wanted a few dolphins to come and live with us as pets, but I bet London wouldn't be allergic to them!
Hi Roxy, here's a weekend tag for u to enjoy, have fun! :):):)
Just dropping by with a vote. Have you ever seen the King of the Hill dophin tank episode?
All I can say is WOW...the dolphins are amazing!
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
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