Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Um, I Don't Think So....(April Fool's Prank)

Well, after I saw it on Green, I just had to take the What Famous Leader Are You? Quiz...and here are the results:

Okay, I can hear you all laughing, and hey, I liked it better when I was Bree on the Which Desperate Housewife Are You? Quiz. The only similarity I can come up with is that I never inhaled (in fact, I'm allergic). I demand a recount!

Speaking of Bill Clinton, though, I found Dot Com Mogul's penis enlargement nightmare through EntreCard advertising....check it out if you're looking for a good laugh tonight! Dot Com Mogul will be our EntreCard Blog of the Day on April 7th, so keep your eye on the sidebar.


Mariuca said...

Hola! I just love Bree from DH, she's gorgeous! Hope u're having a good week! :)

Unknown said...

What an interesting Quiz! I just had to take it and I got Ghandi! I lead by example, and like perfection (or something like that)! Very cool!
I really like your blog!